
Fine Art Collection By Jean Bogais
The way it feels rather than how it looks. How someone wears a hat, walks or carry something tells a lot about who they are! These brief moments in people's lives that we are privileged to witness and capture as photographers inform us about what is happening around. So many stories ! Without a camera and a lot of curiosity, we would probably never see them. Here, curiosity is everything. Saul Leiter once said: "The World is full of endless things. And there are many beautiful things. And people have a talent for not noticing it."


The way it feels rather than how it looks. How someone wears a hat, walks or carry something tells a lot about who they are! These brief moments in people's lives that we are privileged to witness and capture as photographers inform us about what is happening around. So many stories ! Without a camera and a lot of curiosity, we would probably never see them. Here, curiosity is everything. Saul Leiter once said: "The World is full of endless things. And there are many beautiful things. And people have a talent for not noticing it."
Fine Art Collection By Jean Bogais
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