Transition between spaces

Fine Art Collection By Jean Bogais
Opposite "spaces" connected by one person, or one situation. Street photography is unique as it allows to capture someone's emotion, or a unique situation, at a very given time. It captures the transition between spaces, between worlds... The moment. But it is also important to remember that it is not the photographer alone who decides the most propitious moment in which to release the shutter, but the moment itself that stands out as decisive. What happens next is a matter of style–the photographer's style–rather than technique.

Transition between spaces

Opposite "spaces" connected by one person, or one situation. Street photography is unique as it allows to capture someone's emotion, or a unique situation, at a very given time. It captures the transition between spaces, between worlds... The moment. But it is also important to remember that it is not the photographer alone who decides the most propitious moment in which to release the shutter, but the moment itself that stands out as decisive. What happens next is a matter of style–the photographer's style–rather than technique.
Fine Art Collection By Jean Bogais
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